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Geology & Geophysics Departmental ConocoPhillips Seminar: Friday, 2/26/21, 12pm, Zoom

Dr. Duan

Title: CoRE Research Developments in Basin and Petroleum System Modeling - West Texas Permian Delaware Basin

Speaker: Dr. Mauro Becker

Professor of the Practice, Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedimentary Systems, Texas A&M University

Abstract: The Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling Program of the Berg-Hughes Center established at the Center for Research Excellence (CoRE) has been developing research with a team of Graduate Students and Professors of the Practice with a focus on unconventional resources, particularly in the West Texas Permian Delaware Basin. Mainly supported by and working with a dataset generously provided by the Oil&Gas industry, our research covers a wide range in geosciences, but centered in the industry and academic interest.

This presentation will cover the ongoing research at the CoRE by a team of five graduate students advised by the G&G Department and by the CoRE professors of Practice. The research covers topics such as organic matter maturation, organofacies characterization and distribution, mass balance of petroleum systems, application of machine learning in this area, and production time-lapse geochemistry.

The main objectives of this presentation are to present the CoRE and its students’ research and to obtain feedback from the academic community of the G&G Department.


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