Earthquake Modeling Lab
@ Texas A&M University
EQdyna 2D
Finite element method for earthquake multicyle dynamics
Geometrically realistic fault systems
Automatically mesh generation given controlling points of fault geometries
Flexable standalone input files for various physical conditions
Under-integreated quadrilateral stablized by hourglass control and degenerated triangles
Version 2.0.0
- New feature: subroutine meshgen1 is developed from meshgen_liu.f90 (subroutine meshgen) in MPI_v2.1.0. It is a mesh scheme that uses degenerated and size-adjusted triangles to morph the complex fault geometry with comparable element sizes.
New feature: Controllable parameter C_mesh is created. C_mesh == 1 indicates Duan et al. (2019) meshing scheme. C_mesh == 2 indicates the above meshing scheme.
New feature: Read_Input_Files.f90 is developed from the same name file from EQdyna3D_v5.1.0. It is used to read adjustable parameters from independent txt input files. This treatment makes EQdyna 2D flexible.
New feature: input files FE_Gloabl.txt, FE_Model_Geometry.txt, FE_Fault_Geometry.txt are required. Descriptions of quantities are in the same files.
New feature: subroutine interstress is developed from previous standalone program strbld.f90. It will take care of interseismic stress loading and relaxation for both the first and later earthquake cycles.
New feature: executable file will have version number.
New feature: earthquake cycle numbers are imported from FE_Global.txt. They are icstart and icend. Output files will have an appendix of ‘icstart’.
New feature: interstress and driver are put in a do loop from icstart to icend to simulate earthquake cycles.
New feature: output files are redesigned.
1) Totalop.txt//{icstart} stores 5 on-fault quantities for earthquake cycles from icstart to icend (if walltime permits the finish of run_eqdyna2d_M_2.0.0). The data are formatted as 5E18.7 per row.
2) cyclelog.txt//{icstart} stores icstart and icend (or the last earthquake cycle number simulated)
3) interval.txt//{icstart} stores the years used for stress to reach Coulomb failure criteria before an earthquake.
4) binaryop, which is in unformatted binary style, stores the 5 on-fault quantities for the last earthquake. It is used to continue earthquake cycles if run_eqdyna2d_2.0.0 were terminated unexpectedly.
New feature: there is no need to define model size. Model size is defined by the longest expected run time -- term, in seconds -- and P wave velocity. The wave cannot come back to the fault during the simulation time.
New feature: /script/ contains Plot_Normal_Vector.m, Plot_Single_Event_Info.m and Show_Mesh.m to visualize normal vectors of split nodes, plot details of event dynamics, and to show meshes, respectively.
Improvement: Import material properties by Vp, Vs and density rather than elastic modulus.
Improvement: On-screen output information during code run is redesigned.
Improvement: variable, array, and matrix transfers are extremely minimized. A great majority of them are defined in globalvar.
Deletion: ./mesh/ and ./bldup/ are no longer needed.
Bugfix: in subroutine qdct2, ce = 16.0d0* e(m) / 15.0d0 should be used for the plain stress case. ce = 4.0d0*amu*(lambda+amu)/(lambda+2.0d0*amu) should be used for plain strain.