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Earthquake Modeling Lab
@ Texas A&M University
Spontaneously Dynamic Ruptures
Friction Laws
Complex Fault Geometry

Seismic Wave Propagation & Ground Motion
Basin Effects
Seismic Attenuation
Off-fault Plasticity

Dynamic Earthquake Simulator
Earthquake Cycles with Dynamic Ruptures

Rupture Behaviors of Geometrically Complex Faults
Earthquake Gates: the Altyn Tagh Fault in Northwest China & the San Andreas Fault System in California

Various Slip Behaviors Along Subduction Zone and Their Interactions

Stress Inversions of Earthquake Dynamics with Geodetic and Seismic data

Mechanical Analysis of Fluid-Injuection Induced Earthquakes, Hydraulic Fracturing and Mricoseismicity

Parallel Finite Element Method and High Performance Computing

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