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G&G ConocoPhillips Department Seminar on 9/10/21 at 11:30am via Zoom

Dr. Duan

Title: Need a Data Management Plan? Some Geoscience Data Systems


Dr. Noah Phillips, G&G

Abstract from Dr. Ethan Grossman

Subtitle: StabisoDB – A stable isotope database for Earth system research

This talk will explore StabisoDB, the first relational databased designed to accommodate the stable isotope data of fossils and microfossils for studies of the Earth system. Growing out of a chapter on oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Geological Time Scale 2020 (Grossman and Joachimski, 2020), StabisoDB currently comprises δ18O and δ13C data of more than 67.000 macro- and microfossil samples including benthic and planktonic foraminifers, benthic and nektonic mollusks, brachiopods, and fish teeth and conodonts.

Unlike previous compilations on spreadsheets, StabisoDB provides a large array of metadata, such as coordinates and paleocoordinates, stratigraphy, taxonomy, preservation, and analytical metadata. These metadata allow easy searches and the filtering of data for analyses. Analyses and visualizations, for example of isotopic trends through time and space, can be performed online including with mobile devices.

Using data from StabisoDB, the record for Phanerozoic sea surface temperatures will be presentedand used to examine climate sensitivity in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.

Dr. Noah Phillips will talk about StraboSpot.


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